Guaranteed 100% Moseley content - except for that which isn't. Ye live in a place, see stuff, do things, have a dialogue with yourself and sometimes others.
After a while it begins to resonate, things strike a chord, and comments start happening.
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Moseley content, Moseley web-presence, things as yet undiscovered.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

I Can't Explain...

Can You? Go ahead, surprise me with plausible explanations of this list. Found on a pillar box at the top of Greenhill Road.


Blogger h4num4n said...

Can't explain that but I wonder if it's the work of the same person who left this on a tree in Moseley yesterday?

1:06 pm

Blogger Moseley Blogger said...

Indeed. A fine sentiment too. If there are any more of these mystery notices around I will have to conclude that there's some sort of conspiracy.

1:46 pm

Blogger xxxxxxxxxxxx said...

I noticed that random list the other day, it looks like it could be house numbers with the names of the occupants for the postman to use.

9:41 am


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