Saturday, April 14, 2007
Your contributions are welcome. If you have photographs, stories, or other items of Moseley interest, leave a comment, a link, or send a message to moseleyblogger at, and I'll arrange to publish it here.
A Few Local Blogs
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- Wonders
- Highbury Park ASVO
- Tagalectic
- Splen-do-rama
- Give people a day off to play in the snow and wha...
- If It Ain't Broke - Web 2.0 Customer Service
- Neighbourhood Fix-It
- Short, Sharp, Cold.
- Summer Over?
- Flatted Greens
Can't explain that but I wonder if it's the work of the same person who left this on a tree in Moseley yesterday?
1:06 pm
Indeed. A fine sentiment too. If there are any more of these mystery notices around I will have to conclude that there's some sort of conspiracy.
1:46 pm
I noticed that random list the other day, it looks like it could be house numbers with the names of the occupants for the postman to use.
9:41 am
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