Guaranteed 100% Moseley content - except for that which isn't. Ye live in a place, see stuff, do things, have a dialogue with yourself and sometimes others.
After a while it begins to resonate, things strike a chord, and comments start happening.
It's all just a reaction.
Moseley content, Moseley web-presence, things as yet undiscovered.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Burned Out

The 'mobile' home / social centre parked in the Meteor forecourt has been gutted by fire, and the remains scattered about, sometime over the last few days. That's sad, since it seemed like a pretty stable alternative to the Lych Gate.

The empty auto dealership is also looking forlorn. It seems to have had a break-in, and is in the first stages of neglect+vandalism. Graffiti and a bit of damage visible through the windows.

Where's the initiative to do something with this place?


Blogger TrafRd said...

Just found this site. Its quite nice. You may be interested in this music track download about Moseley in 70's.

8:35 am

Blogger TrafRd said...

sorry wrong link

8:42 am

Blogger moseleyblogger said...

Thanks for the comment. And the link.

This blog, like the van, has become a relic parked in cyberspace. Until someone comes along to get it moving again.

I had a quick look at TrafRd, and am curious as to what you mean by cooperative ethos. I spent some 20 years living in cooperative and shared houses, spent a bit of time looking at co-housing schemes in Denmark, and occasionally wonder why there seem to be so few cooperatives in Birmingham.

9:01 am


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