Flatted Greens
Colour of the day. In the background. See that container?
I was waiting for the No. 1 this afternoon and this monster rolled up.
Within seconds I had a theme going.
As you see.
Along the south side of the road.
Then crossing over to the north, where I snapped the garden border before crossing back over to catch the bus. Once I'd disembarked at Five Ways, I wandered round the Auchinleck Plaza. Such a weird and wonderful place, from the tiled mural to the brass statue of our hero. I was talking on the mobile with Helen the entire time, so this bunch are less carefully composed. But you get the idea.
And this lovely disintegrating sign above a gift shop that I initially mistook for an IOOF club. The faux stonework is another part of what makes this place so wacky.
And this low-tech but charming gallery.
There'll be a return visit here soon, so I can get focused and reflection-free photos.
From Five Ways I walked to New Street, via the Mailbox, getting caught in a torrential downpour at John Bright Street. It came on within a matter of seconds, and the only shelter was the glass awning at the new swank-o-rama tower block on the corner there.
Then it was down to the Veg Market for cilantro (coriander) and avocados, and back to Moseley.
By now you may have noted that aside from Field Marshal Auchinleck, all the greens consist of flat, or nearly flat, surfaces. Don't count the foliage either. Was that what you though flatted greens might be about?